License for @motor-js/engine

Standard License for the @motor-js/engine package

By Installing or using the Software, Licensee agrees to be bound by this Agreement, unless Licensee is using the Software for a proof of concept or non-production purposes, authorised by Motor.

Unless Licensee fully agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in this Standard License Agreement, Licensee shall not be allowed or authorized to install or use any Software owned by Motor.

Upon full payment of the applicable fee, Motor grants you an on-going, non-exclusive license to use the Code for as long as you have a valid subscription. The license grants permission to all Employees and Contractors of the Licensee to applications or products developed using the Code.

Licensee acknowledges, accepts, and undertakes to ensure that the actual number of Developers at any time shall not exceed the total number of Developers stated in License Statement. The total number of Developers working on the application which uses the Code must be included in the license count, including both Qlik Sense and Front End / Full Stack developers.

You can:

  • Use the Code to create unlimited End Products.

  • Use the Code to code to create unlimited End Product for unlimited clients.

  • Use the Code to create End Products where the End Product is sold to End Users.

  • Use the Code to create End Products that are open source and freely available to End Users.

You cannot:

  • Re-distribute the Code or derivatives of the Code separately from an End Product.

  • Use the Code to create End Products that are designed to allow an End User to build their own End Products using the Code or derivatives of the Code.

  • Use the Code to create End Products that are the property of any individual or entity other than the Licensee or Clients of the Licensee.

Example usage

Examples of allowed usage include:

  • Creating a web application for your company

  • Creating a web application for a client that will be owned by that client.

  • Creating a commercial application where End Users have to pay to use the application.

  • Creating a free and open source web application where the primary purpose is not to re-distribute the components.

Examples of not allowed usage include:

  • Creating a web application builder where End Users can create their own applications using Code included with or derived from Motor.

  • Creating a theme, template, or project starter kit using the Code and making it available either for sale or for free.

  • Creating a repository of code from Motor (or derivatives of that Code) and publishing it publicly.

  • Creating any End Product that is not the sole property of either your company or a client of your company. For example your employees/contractors can't use your company Motor license to build their own websites or side projects.

License Definitions

Licensee is any individual who has installed and is using the @motor-js/engine package

Code is all the source code contained with the @motor-js/engine package

End Product is any artifact produced that incorporates the Code or derivatives of the Code.

End User is a user of an End Product.

Client is an individual or entity receiving custom professional services directly from the Licensee, produced specifically for that individual or entity. Customers of software-as-a-service products are not considered clients for the purpose of this document.

Developer shall mean any person who will be simultaneously working with the API and/or source code of the Licensed Software, and/or making use of the Code in any capacity, including but not limited to developers, designers and testers. The number of Developers authorized to work with the Licensed Software is defined in the License Statement;


Motor is not liable for costs, damages, or other losses arising from your use of the Code, including third-party claims against you. Motor may not be held liable for any consequential damages related to your use of the Code.


Unsure if your use case is covered by our licenses? Email us at and we'll help you out.

Last updated